Creatine is a naturally generated amino acid in the body. The liver and kidneys produce it in small amounts. But it's also found in a meat-eaters' diet because creatine is found in many meats, especially game meats, tuna, and herring. Because of these natural occurring levels, studies are now debunking the earlier theories that supplementing with creatine could be toxic on the liver.
It's now quite common for athletes of any sport to be supplementing with creatine because it aids in energy production. Specifically, creatine aids in the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) which is the main anaerobic energy source our muscles use for short, powerful blasts of energy. It's the energy we need to punch harder, sprint faster to the puck, or jump higher to the hoop. Bodybuilders and powerlifters have been using it to pack on muscle. But the reality is, creatine will benefit any type of training your doing.
ATP energy is used up in 30 seconds so it's vital that the body be able to reproduce this energy source quickly for its next use. Creatine aids in the production and transfer of the phosphate needed to replenish ATP. So whether you're struggling to power through those last few reps, or you want to improve your vertical jump, supplementing with creatine is a good way to bust through your plateaus.
Most research suggests the best way is to go through a loading phase where you're ingesting 5mg of creatine three times a day for five days. Then, you'll begin taking just one 5mg dose per day. Mix it with juice because the simple sugars in juice aid its digestion. The final step is to stay focused in your training. Creatine will allow you to intensify your workouts so that you can push through the boundaries of your personal bests.